The sweet treat Mrowisko is a traditional dessert popular in Lithuania and Podlaskie. It is made from a soft fried dough that is flaky and melts on the tongue.
Preparation: 30 min

Preparation: 30 min
- 30 g powdered sugar
- 250 g Lard
- 1 g salt
- 20 g butter
- 30 g Poppy seeds, dried
- 45 g Raisins, dried
- 10 g Spirit (95% volume)
- 80 g chicken eggs, yolk
- 100 g Cream, 18% fat
- 100 g honey
- 250 g Oil, rapeseed
- 300 g wheat flour 450
Method of cooking:
- Place a bowl on the lid of the bowl and weigh out 250 g of lard and 250 g of oil. Set the bowl aside.