Head office:

ICSD Philipiak Sp. z o.o.
Strazacka 63/65 Str.
04-462 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: +48 22 262 80 10
e-mail: cookover@cookover.com


Philipiak Milano 1967 Corp.
Via. Achille Grandi Nr. 3
20017 Mazzo di Rho (Milano)
e-mail: philipiak@philipiakmilano.com

Recipes for different occasions

Hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs

 15 min

Spinach and sun-dried tomato tart

Spinach and sun-dried tomato tart

 1h 10 min

Fish cutlets

Fish cutlets

 50 min

Waffle dough - small portion

Waffle dough - small portion

 30 min

Cold Strawberry

Cold Strawberry

