Vegan zucchini lecho

Vegan zucchini lecho is a delicious and colorful vegetable dish which is healthy and tasty alternative to classic lecho.

Preparation: 1h 10 min


Vegan zucchini lecho

Preparation: 1h 10 min



  • 3 g ground black pepper
  • 350 g sweet pepper
  • 150 g yellow pepepr
  • 4 g hot paprika powder
  • 700 g canned tomato puree
  • 4 g sweet paprika
  • 150 g green peppers
  • 500 g Onion, raw
  • 15 g sugar
  • 500 g Squash-summer, raw
  • 12 g salt
  • 500 g tmato
  • 50 g Oil, rapeseed

Method of cooking:

  1. On the lid of the bowl place a container and weigh 500 g of peeled and cut onion into 1 cm pieces. Set the container aside.
  2. On the lid of the bowl place a container and weigh 500 g of peeled and cut zucchini into 2cm pieces. Set the container aside.
  3. On the lid of the bowl place a big container and weigh 350 g of red seedless pepper cut into 1.5 cm pieces.
  4. In the container with pepper weigh 150 g of green seedless pepper cut into 1.5 cm pieces. Set the bowl aside.
  5. Open the bowl. Add 500 g of water. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup.
  6. On the lid of the bowl place first and second floor of the steam pot. Close it with a lid.
  7. In the next step, you will steam the peppers. During this time, heat the pan with 3 tablespoons of oil and fry the onion with a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of sweet pepper and a teaspoon of hot pepper, and after frying, move to a bowl. Then fry the zucchini until golden brown and put in another bowl.
  8. Cook for 20 min at 130 degrees.
  9. Remove the steam pot and set aside. Pour the water out of the bowl and add 500 g of tomatoes cut into large pieces, 1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper and fried onion. Close the bowl with a lid without a measuring cup. Fry for 4 min at speed 2 reverse rotation at 120°C.
  10. Open the bowl. Add 700 g of passata and all peppers. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup. Cook for 10 min at speed 2 reverse rotation at 105 degrees.
  11. Add the fried zucchini, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Cook for 5 minutes at 100°C at speed 4 reverse rotation.
  12. Keep lecho in the closed container for 10 min.