Penne pomodoro

Penne pomodoro is a classic and simple dish of Italian cuisine. Delicious, aromatic and hearty pasta that focuses on basic ingredients such as pasta, tomatoes, fresh herbs, garlic, olive oil and Parmesan cheese.

Preparation: 45 min


Penne pomodoro

Preparation: 45 min



  • 450 g water
  • 1 g ground black pepper
  • 6 g hot chili pepper
  • 80 g extra virgin oil
  • 1 g oregano
  • 25 g fresh basil
  • 200 g pasta
  • 100 g Onion, raw
  • 8 g sugar
  • 20 g garlic
  • 6 g salt
  • 70 g Cheese, Parmezan
  • 400 g canned tomatoes (sliced)

Method of cooking:

  1. Open the bowl. Add 70 g of cut parmesan. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup.
  2. Chop for 20 s at speed 20.
  3. Open the bowl. Transfer the contents into another container. Set aside.
  4. Add 100 g of peeled and cut onion, ½ seedless chili pepper and 2 cloves of garlic.
  5. Remove the basal leaves and set aside. Cut the twigs into smaller pieces and add to the bowl. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup.
  6. Chop for 10 s at speed 10.
  7. Open the bowl. Scrape the bowl's sides with a spatula. Add 80 g of olive oil. Close the bowl with a lid without a measuring cup.
  8. Fry for 9 min at speed 4 at 140 degrees.
  9. Open the bowl. Add 400 g of canned tomatoes, 2 small teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of oregano and 1 teaspoon of salt.
  10. Add ½ teaspoon of black pepper. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup.
  11. Cook for 10 min at speed 4 at 110 degrees.
  12. Grind for 20 s at speed 20.
  13. Open the bowl. Scrape the bowl’s sides with a spatula. Add 450 g of water and 200 g of Penne pasta. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup.
  14. Cook for 11 min at speed 1 reverse rotation at 105 degrees.
  15. Open the bowl. Add previously prepared basal leaves. Mix everything with spatula. Close the bowl with a measuring cup.
  16. Leave the pasta and sauce covered for 4 minutes. Press the START button to start the countdown.
  17. Serve pasta with grated parmesan.