Pizza margherita
Pizza Margherita is the most basic and at the same time the most recognizable. According to the story, the pizza should popularize the colors of the Italian flag. It's a crowd pleaser for its mild, sweet taste, plenty of stringy cheese, and the divine smell of ubiquitous basil.
Preparation: 1h 10 min

Preparation: 1h 10 min
- 420 g wheat flour
- 240 g water
- 110 g extra virgin oil
- 4 g chili peppers
- 700 g canned tomato puree
- 25 g fresh basil
- 375 g mozzarella
- 180 g Onion, raw
- 8 g sugar
- 8 g garlic
- 12 g salt
- 15 g Yeast baker's, compressed
Method of cooking:
- Add 420 g of flour type 00 (or type 450), 15 g of fresh yeast (optional 1.5 teaspoon of dried yeast), 1 teaspoon of sugar and 240 g of water. Knead for 3 min at speed 8 reverse rotation.