Plum balls
Plum balls are a traditional dish of Polish cuisine. It is a type of soft dumplings with fruit filling filled with sweet and covered with butter. Sprinkled with breadcrumbs, they can be used as a main dish, but some take them as a perfect afternoon snack.
Preparation: 1h 40 min

Preparation: 1h 40 min
- 1500 g water
- 30 g sugar, brown
- 3 g gingerbread spice
- 10 g orange peel
- 3 g salt
- 30 g Bread crumbs
- 120 g butter
- 60 g chicken eggs, whole
- 220 g wheat flour, type 550
- 300 g plums
- 800 g Potato, long stored
- 50 g potato starch
Method of cooking:
- On the lid of the bowl place a container and weigh 120 g of soft butter. Add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of pepper and the grated zest of half an orange to the butter. Mix the butter with the spices and set aside.