Fuczki are delicious Bieszczady pancakes with large pieces of sauerkraut inside. They will surprise you with a delicious traditional taste and simple composition. These regional pancakes will delight you with their juiciness and crispness.
Preparation: 20 min

Preparation: 20 min
- 1 g ground black pepper
- 1 g ground cumin
- 150 g Onion, raw
- 10 g salt
- 300 g Sauerkraut
- 60 g chicken eggs, whole
- 200 g Wheat flour, type 500
- 150 g Milk, 2.0% fat
- 100 g sunflower oil
Method of cooking:
- Pridajte 150 g ošúpanej a na menšie kúsky nakrájanej cibule. Sekajte 10 s pri rýchlosti 10.