Chicken soup
Traditional chicken soup is often associated with home cooking and is considered a cure for everything. It tastes best with homemade pasta and can be a separate soup, but it is also the basis for other soups and dishes of Polish cuisine.
Preparation: 3h 10 min

Preparation: 3h 10 min
- 3000 g water
- 3 g ground black pepper
- 500 g beef stripe
- 150 g Onion, raw
- 200 g Carrot
- 17 g salt
- 130 g Parsley root, frozen
- 140 g leek
- 70 g Celery
- 100 g Cabbage, white
- 70 g Celeriac
- 300 g chichen thighs
- 50 g parsley leaves
Method of cooking:
- Prepare a 5 l pot for cooking. Place a container on the lid of the bowl and weigh 150 g of onion. Cut the onion in half and fry on a gas burner or in a dry pan until dark brown.