Christmas Eggnog
Eggnog is a sweet alcoholic drink that has a yellow color, high viscosity and an alcohol content of around twenty percent.
Preparation: 3 min

Preparation: 3 min
- 60 g powdered sugar
- 1.5 g vanilla pod
- 500 g rum
- 397 g chilled condensed milk
- 310 g condensed milk, unsweetened
- 100 g chicken eggs, yolk
- 500 g cream, 10% fat
Method of cooking:
- Add 5 egg yolks, 500 ml of cooking cream, 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 1 can of unsweetened condensed milk, 1/2 of the scraped vanilla pod into the bowl. Close the bowl with a lid with a measuring cup. Mix for 30 seconds at speed 9 to mix all ingredients well.