Leaf salad with chicken and mustard dressing
Leaf salad with chicken and mustard dressing is a delicious and balanced combination of flavors and nutrients. High-quality chicken meat provides proteins and vitamins, leaf lettuce adds fiber and vitamins, mustard dressing adds spicy taste and healthy fats.
Preparation: 15 min

Preparation: 15 min
- 10 g ground black pepper
- 200 g cherry tomatoes
- 40 g vinegar
- 300 g chicken fillet
- 60 g Carrot
- 10 g salt
- 800 g lettuce
- 40 g mustard
- 160 g Oil, olive
- 80 g honey
Method of cooking:
- Dressing preparation: Add 40g of Dijon mustard, 80g of honey and 40g of wine vinegar into the bowl. Install the whisk and mix for 30s at speed 10. Add 160g of olive oil, 3g of salt, 5g of ground black pepper and mix for 20s at speed 15.