Vegan kashotto with bulgur and tomatoes
Vegan kaszotto with bulgur and tomatoes
Preparation: 25 min

Preparation: 25 min
- 1 g ground black pepper
- 50 g bulgur
- 2 g fenugreek seeds
- 2 g dried thyme
- 4 g sweet paprika
- 400 g canned red beans
- 100 g Onion, raw
- 15 g garlic
- 6 g salt
- 190 g Pepper, red
- 100 g white dry wine
- 80 g condensed coconut milk
- 80 g Oil, rapeseed
- 400 g canned tomatoes (sliced)
- 150 g Gyros roślinny Go Vege
Method of cooking:
- Put a small bowl on the lid of the bowl and weigh out 50 grams of bulgur. Then cook it according to the instructions on the package.