Butternut squash gnocchi with pear and butter

This dessert combines the sweetness of pears and the delicate taste of butternut squash, which creates a harmonious dish that you can enjoy as an autumn specialty with rich flavours.

Preparation: 1h


Butternut squash gnocchi with pear and butter

Preparation: 1h



  • 1.3 g ground cinnamom
  • 15 g powdered sugar
  • 50 g raspberries
  • 40 g sugar
  • 180 g Pear
  • 0.3 g salt
  • 75 g butter
  • 18 g chicken eggs, yolk
  • 50 g Pumpkin seeds
  • 100 g cream, 12% fat
  • 100 g Milk, 2.0% fat
  • 150 g pumpkin, raw
  • 30 g dried raspberries

Method of cooking:

  1. Butternut squash gnocchi. Clean the butternut squash from the skin and the inner pulp. Cut 150g of it into small, 1cm cubes. Put the diced butternut squash on the top shelf of the steamer and cover with a lid. Pour 1000g of water into the bowl. Close the bowl with a lid without a measuring cup and put the steamer with the butternut squash on the lid. Steam for 15 minutes at 100°C.
  2. Pour the water out of the bowl and add the steamed butternut squash into it. Pour in 100g of milk and mix for 20s at speed 20. Install the whisk. Add 50g of butter, 20g of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt and mix for 2min at 100°C at speed 3. Mix for 3min at 100°C at speed 2 and while constantly mixing, turn on the scale function and gradually, slowly add 150g of semolina. Mix for 2 min at speed 1 and while mixing, add 1 egg yolk and add it to the mixture. Open the bowl, use 2 spoons to form gnocchi. If you dip the spoons in a bowl of water, the dough will not stick to them as much. Form the gnocchi directly onto the upper floor of the steamer. After forming, cover with a lid. Add 1000g of water into the bowl, close the bowl with a without a measuring cup and put the closed steamer on top. Steam for 12 min at 100°C.
  3. Preparation of pears in butter. Peel and core 1 pear and cut it into small cubes. Install the whisk in a dry and clean bowl. Add 25g of butter, sliced pear, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of sugar and caramelize for 3 minutes at 140°C at speed 2. Then caramelize for 3 minutes at 140°C at speed 2 reverse rotation.
  4. Serving. Mix 15g of powdered sugar in 100g of sour cream. Caramelize the butternut squash seeds with powdered sugar in a pan. Serve a few spoonfuls of sweetened yoghurt on a plate, arrange the steamed butternut squash gnocchi on top and add the butter pear mixture. Finally, use caramelized butternut squash seeds, dried and fresh raspberries or other fruits according to your taste and imagination. Bon appetite!